Dr. Noraida Omar, PhD

Dr. Noraida is a Senior Lecturer and a practising dietitian in the Department of Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia. She runs the Older Adult's Diet Clinic in Medical Specialist Clinic, Hospital Pengajar UPM. She has a strong interest in clinical nutrition in geriatrics and institutional foodservice management.

She is an active member of the Malaysian Dietitians’ Association, Nutrition Society of Malaysia and Malaysian Society of Body Composition. She was recently elected as a new Council Member of the Malaysian Society of Body Composition for 2022-2024. She has also been a research associate of the Malaysian Research Institute on Ageing (MYAGIENG) since 2018.

She is actively involved in the Malaysian Dietitians’ Association subcommittee, sharing her expertise and experience in developing two new Medical Nutrition Therapies for cardiovascular disease and hypertension. She is a co-author of the Malaysian Dietary Guideline for Older Adults under the Ministry of Health, Malaysia. A notable achievement in her career thus far is the receipt of the Early Career Researcher Award at the 6th Global Higher Education Forum in 2018. She also successfully secured a Fundamental Research Grant Scheme Award from the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia in 2019. She is currently working on this project to develop a new Malaysian guideline for hospital foodservice to prevent malnutrition among geriatric patients.

Dr. Noraida is also certified in the Public Service Guidance Program (Rakan Pembimbing Perkhidmatan Awam) AKRAB and AKRAB CARE in providing guidance services to help colleagues to increase potential and self-excellence.

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